Installation Guide

Programming the Water Softener
FIG. 18
2. If you want to change the recharge start time,
press the r UP or s DOWN buttons until the
desired time shows. Be sure AM or PM is correct.
1. Press the PROGRAM button once again to display
a flashing “nACL”.
2. Press the
r UP or s DOWN buttons to set your
water’s hardness number.
NOTE: If your water supply contains iron, compen-
sate for it by adding to the water hardness
number. For example, assume your water is
20 gpg hard and contains 2 ppm iron. Add 5
to the hardness number for each 1 ppm of
iron. In this example, you would use 30 for
your hardness number.
20 gpg hardness
2 ppm iron x 5 = 10 +10
FIG. 19
FIG. 17
FIG. 16
When the power supply is plugged into the electrical
outlet, the model code (LLCS) and a test number
(example: y10), are briefly shown in the display.
Then the words “CURRENT TIME” appear and 12:00
PM begins to flash.
If the words “CURRENT TIME" do not show in the
display, press the PROGRAM button until they do.
1. Press the r UP or s DOWN buttons to set the
present time. Up moves the display ahead; down
sets the time back. Be sure AM or PM is correct.
NOTE: Press buttons and quickly release to slowly
advance the display. Hold the buttons down
for fast advance.
1. Press the PROGRAM button once again to display
a flashing “25” and the word “HARDNESS”.
1. Press the PROGRAM button once again to display
a flashing “2:00AM” and the words “RECHARGE
TIME”. This is a good time for the recharge to start
in most households, because water is not in use.
Salt Type allows you to choose between sodium chlo-
ride (NaCl), which is regular softener salt, or potassi-
um chloride (KCl), which is an alternative to sodium
chloride. KCl (potassium chloride) may be used if the
user of the water softener is on a sodium restricted
diet and is concerned about the amount of sodium in
the water supply.
KCl should be used in accordance with the following
steps to help give you years of maintenance free
Place only one bag at a time of KCl into your softener
(the salt storage tank should contain no more than 60
pounds of KCl at any one time).
NOTE: A softener using KCl should not be located in
areas with high temperature changes or high
humidity (KCl may harden in these environ-
ments and make the softener inoperable).
2. Check the brine tank and brinewell (black tube in
salt storage tank) monthly. If hardening is present,
pour small amounts of warm water on hardened
areas until they loosen.
continued on next page