User's Manual

Additional Display Messages
ALL CH L-out All channels locked out during scan or marine band search.
b X Ch-FULL All displayed bank channels are full.
b X StorE Frequency programmed into displayed bank’s channel.
CLOnE Clone mode.
-dUPL- Frequency is already stored in another channel.
Error Entry error.
FLo ALL- CL All the locked-out frequencies removed during a FD/PD,
AIRCRAFT, or HAM bank search.
L-r Review the locked-out frequencies.
L-O Fr-FULL Maximum of 50 frequencies already locked out.
oFF tonE Key tone deactivated.
On tonE Key tone activated.
P Scanner is tuned to the priority channel.
-t- Tune mode.
Sub Bank Messages
Lo VHF Sub-bank 1 of the fire/police bank.
Hi VHF Sub-bank 2 of the fire/police bank.
UHF Sub-bank 3 of the fire/police bank.
10 M Sub-bank 1 of the HAM bank.
6 M Sub-bank 2 of the HAM bank.
2 M Sub-bank 3 of the HAM bank.
70CM Sub-bank 4 of the HAM bank.