User's Manual

Basic Operation
Storing Found Frequencies into Channels
Once you find interesting frequencies during a Tune or Service Bank search,
you can store them in the scanner’s channel-storage banks.
1. Press ENT when you find a frequency. The bank number and StorE appear.
2. If you want to change banks, enter the new bank number.
3. Press ENT to store the frequency. The channel and frequency flash twice. To
cancel the operation, press TUNE/CLEAR.
n Notes:
The frequency is automatically stored in the first empty channel of the
selected bank.
If the scanner displays -dUPL-, the frequency is already stored in another
channel. Press ENT if you want to continue storing the frequency. Press
TUNE/CLEAR to cancel.
If there are no empty channels in the bank, Ch-FULL appears. You can select
another bank or clear some channels in the current bank (see “Clearing a
Stored Channel” on page 19).
If the scanner displays -dUPL- or CH-FULL, you can store another channel
location by pressing PGM. The channel number flashes and 000.0000 (or
previous frequency) appears. Press the desired channel number then press
ENT. Repeat if needed. Press ENT again when an empty channel is found.
Scanning the Stored Channels
Press SCAN/MAN until SCAN appears to continuously scan through all
channels with stored frequencies.
If the scanner finds an active frequency, it stops and displays that channel
and frequency number, then it automatically begins scanning again when the
transmission on that frequency ends.
n Notes:
Press e or d to reverse the scanning direction.
Press •/DELAY to set the scanner to remain on the current channel for two
seconds after the transmission ends.
To set the scanner to remain on the current channel, even after the
transmission stops, press SCAN/MAN at any time during the transmission
so MAN appears and SCAN disappears (see “Monitoring a Stored Channel” on
page 19).
Press L/O to lock-out a channel.