User's Manual

GLOB Menu Reference (Cont.)
Pri Channels – Number of priority CONV channels
to check during a priority scan sampling (0-250,
0=All CONV priority channels).
Pri Interval – Priority sample interval (2-100 x
100 mS).
TGRP Pri Int – Priority interrupt during trunked
calls (On or Off).
QuickPriRtn – On or Off. When On, does not
wait for verification of CTCSS, DCS or NAC when
returning to an active CONV channel after priority
Search Delay – Delay for all search modes (1-250
x 100 mS).
SRCH Dig AGC – On or Off. Digital AGC for all
search types compensates for low or high digital
audio levels caused at the system.
SRCH SuprTrk – On or Off. Alternative DSP
decoding algorithm is applied to all search types.
TLO=FUNC L/O – When No, L/OUT = Temporary
Lockout; when Yes, L/OUT = Permanent Lockout.
DupeChecksSQ – Yes or No. Checks both
frequency and encoded squelch settings when
checking for duplicate CONV objects.
TGID Format – Norm, DEC, or HEX.
TGRP Ignore – Yes or No. Ignore calls on TGRPS
that are mapped to disabled Scan Lists.
ShowCCInfo – Yes or No. For Motorola and
P25 systems, the display alternates the voice
frequency and current control channel index (from
TSYS frequency list) and frequency.
Set Password – Set Power-on password.