User's Manual

Text Entry
Customizing QuickText
To edit the QuickText words:
1. Press PROG, then the
GLOB softkey.
2. Press p or q to scroll to QTXT and find the QuickText storage
location that you wish to change.
3. Press uto edit the QuickText entry.
4. Use the standard text entry method to enter your desired text.
Note: When you use your QTXT entry in a text field, any unused
spaces will be filled with space characters. If you want to leave room
for adding text, enter a space after your QTXT, then a dollar sign ($).
When you use your QTXT in a text field, and the edit cursor will be
positioned just after the space so you can continue adding text to
the text field.
5. Once you are finished editing your QTXT storage location, press
the SAVE softkey to save the QTXT.
6. Press the SAVE softkey again to save the changes you made to
the GLOB menu.