User's Manual

Creating Scannable Objects
If you press the q key on the bottom of the 5-way pushbutton
pad, you can scroll down and see all of the parameters that can
be specified for the object.
Pressing FUNC p or FUNC q will jump to the top or bottom of
a menu, respectively.
As you scroll the object menu, you will see a line that states: 
EXPERT BELOW . This line is found in the object menus and the
Global Configuration menu. It delineates between basic settings
and expert settings for advanced users. For more information
about the Basic and Expert settings, refer to “Appendix B: Detailed
Menu Reference” on page 96.
When entering data into a numerical field, you can start typing as
soon as you have scrolled to the desired field, which will replace
any previous contents with your new entry. Alternatively, you can
press the u key, which will preserve the original contents of the
field so you can make small changes without retyping all of the
Conventional Channel Objects
A Conventional Channel Object (CONV) is a record that stores
the parameters for a regular, non-trunked conventional AM or FM
channel. When you create a CONV object, you are creating an object
that will allow you to scan and monitor a “plain old radio channel,”
that is, a single frequency and the associated parameters that are
necessary for you to receive traffic on that frequency.
Essential Parameters
CONV objects are the simplest objects supported by the radio.
However, there are a few essential parameters in the CONV object
fields that must be set correctly. The frequency must be set to match
the frequency of the transmitter you want to scan or monitor, and the
Modulation (MODE) should be set to Auto (au), AM, FM, or NFM.