User Guide

Creating Your First New Ojects-
Object Edit
When you enter Program Menu, the scanner will
provide the following Programming Menu options
and is ready for you to enter the first Objects into the
Global Settings
Edit System
Add System
Add Conv Freq
When an Object is displayed, press SEL or MENU to
customize your Object and Set Scanlist.
Essential Conventional Channel parameters
By default, your new CONV object will be tagged
“Channel”. If you'd like to change this, just scroll
the screen down one click until the flashing cursor
highlights the Tag: field, then press SEL to edit the tag.
You can move the cursor around using the keys on
the 4-way push button pad, use the (.) key to clear the
old character, or press SKIP to erase the entire field. To
enter text, use the  or find the letter you want to
enter on the front panel of the radio, press the numeric
key beneath it, then press 1, 2, 3, or 4 depending on the
position of the letter in the group for that number.
For example, to enter FIRE, press:
3 3 F
4 3 I
7 3 R
3 2 E
Press the SEL key to store the new tag information for
your CONV object.
Now you are ready to store your first CONV object.
There are other parameters that you can change, and
we invite you to scroll through the CONV menu to see
the other settings that are available.
When you're ready, scroll to save changes, press the
SEL key to save your new conventional object. Once the
object is saved, you can continue to enter other new
objects, or press SEL to start scanning! The cursor to
the beginning or end of an edit field, respectively.