Operation Manual

Note that you may not start a ght if you cannot exceed the defender’s initial
defence, so (for example) to attack a character which has +1 defence you must
play at least 2 points of attack.
Note: When a character with an attack/defence marker is revealed as a vampire its marker
stays on this card as long as this character is in the castle.
Important: An attack marker only applies when a character attacks. A defense marker only
applies when a character defends.
Choosing cards
When a support card says that you may choose a card from a deck, cellar or moat, this
means that you take all of the cards from this pile, look at them, choose the card you
want, then reshue the remaining cards.
End of the Game
e game may end in one of three ways:
All humans die or all vampires die: the player whose character survived wins.
ere are three revealed vampire in the castle: the vampires conquer the castle and the
vampire player wins.
Both players run out of cards in their decks and hands: check scores based on surviving
characters (in the castle and in the city). e human player receives
1 point for each surviving human. e vampire player receives 2 points for every
surviving vampire. e player with the most points wins the game.
Ties are possible.
Note: If one player runs out of cards only the other player takes turns until one of the
above conditions have been met.
Game design: Filip Miłuński
Illustrations and graphic design: Pi&Sigma Design Studio
Rulebook development: Jeroen Hollander
English translation: Anna Skudlarska & Russ Williams
Project manager: Jonny de Vries
is game was under development for a very long time, longer than any other of my games. I cannot
mention here all the many people who helped playtest and contributed to the games creation, but
I would like to sincerely thank them all. Most of all I thank my beloved wife Alicja. I created the
game for her, and she was the rst and most important tester, and she was the inspiration for further
work. She also invented the new theme when it became clear that we needed to change the theme.
Special thanks to Maciej Sorokin for dozens of playtests and his valuable experience as a CCG player.
Traditional thanks to the reliable testers of the Monsoon Group. Without you this game wouldnt
exist, nor would most of my other games. anks to Piotr Słaby for the atmospheric illustrations
and the great communication during the graphic design work and to Jonny de Vries of WGG for the
cooperation on the project and bringing it to a successful conclusion.
© 2012 White Goblin Games