User's Manual

Disposal and Recycling Information
tnempiuqe dlo fo lasopsid dna noitcelloc no sresu rof noitamrofnI
and used batteries
1. In the European Union
These symbols on the products, packaging and/or accompa-
scinortcele dna lacirtcele desu taht naem stnemucod gniyn
lareneg htiw dexim eb ton
dluohs seirettab dna tnempiuqe
household waste
eb tsum seirettab dna tnempiuqe cinortcele/lacirtcele desU
taht noitalsigel htiw ecnadrocca ni dna yletarapes detaert
eseht fo gnilcycer dna yrevoc
er ,tnemtaert reporp seriuqer
erusne pleh lliw uoy yltcerroc stcudorp eseht fo gnisopsid
yrevocer ,tnemtaert yrassecen eht seogrednu etsaw eht taht
esira esiwrehto dluoc hcihw htlaeh namuh dna tnemnorivne eht
due to inappropriate waste handling.
,woleb nwohs lobmys eht h
taeneb dedda si lobmys lacimehc a fI
yvaeh a taht setacidni siht ,evitceriD yrettaB eht
htiw ecnadrocca ni
eht ni tneserp si )daeL = bP ,muimdaC = dC ,yrucreM = gH( latem
deiceps dlohserht elbacilppa eht evoba noitartnecnoc a ta yrettab
in the Battery Directive.
,stcudorp desu
fo gnilcycer dna noitcelloc tuoba noitamrofni erom roF
ro secivres lasopsid etsaw ruoy ,seitir
ohtua lacol ruoy tcatnoc esaelp
the point of sale where you purchased the products.
2. In other countries outside the EU
ot hsiw uoy fI .noinU naeporuE eht ni dilav ylno era
slobmys esehT
relaed ro seitirohtua lacol ruoy tcatnoc esaelp ,stcudorp desu dracsid
and ask for the correct method of disposal.
tiw ecnailpmoc ni si ecived sseleriw siht taht seralced .cnI ,POOHW
evitceriD fo snoisiv
orp tnaveler rehto dna stnemeriuqer laitnesse eht
tseuqer nopu elbaliava si ytimrofnoC fo
noitaralceD ehT .UE/35/4102
California Proposition 65
etatS eht ot nwonk slacimehc niatnoc yam tcudorp sihT :GN
evitcudorper rehto ro stcefed htrib dna recnac esuac ot ainrofilaC fo