User's Manual

Table Of Contents
172 AWE 120-24 Installation & Configuration Guide
defined 163
pre-configuration steps 18
remote unit RF group 85
remote-to-remote communication 4
repeater 6
repeater base 79
repeater mode 79
repeater mode and RF group setting 84
repeater unit
defined 163
ethernet statistics 102
radio/RF statistics 102
factory configuration settings 101
restoring factory configuration 101
defined 163
groups 85
resetting statistics 102
viewing statistics 88
RF group 85
RF network planning
overview 113, 153
physical layout 113
prerequisites 113
RF Station Configuration
normal mode 47
receive test 47
RSSI test 47
transmit test 47
RF Statistics 88
RF statistics 88
RF test equipment setup 50
RF transmit status 58
viewing images 37
ROM images 37
defined 164
defined 164
RSSI LED indicator
mode button 57
RSSI mode
with menus 51
with mode button 33, 47, 56, 91, 98
RSSI mode 57
RSSI test 57
antennas 124
save current configuration to FLASH 87
scrambling code
configuring 76
scrambling codes 76
sectors 5, 27
security 91
community names 34
remote access 96
setting login timeouts 97
system 34, 91
security passwords 75
antennas 122
selecting operating mode with mode button 105
sensitivity 164
serial number 34
set the operating mode 49
setting internet IP address 40
setting VT100 arrows 31
shadowing 121, 164
shipping package contents 12
signal margin 63
signal margin, setting 67
simple network test 23
simple network test setup 24
site master test set 26
agents 135
defined 164
manager 135
MIB 135
setting community names for 34
setting NMS trap IP address 41
SNMP application software 136
SNMP NMS trap address 41
setting 41
software upgrade 153
specifications 9
configuration 10
environment 10
general 9
network support 9
radio 9
security 10
wireless network protocols 10
spread spectrum