User's Manual

Table Of Contents
48 AWE 120-24 Installation & Configuration Guide
2. Press Esc to exit to the Main Menu.
Test Mode Timer
Maximum time in minutes that a unit will be allowed to
stay in test mode
Maximum Remote
Distance value compensates for polling delay due to
large distances
Link Monitor Remote
Station Rank
Rank (or ID number) of the remote that you want to
Throttle Enable Turns throttling (data throughput control) on or off
Throttle Level Determines the data rate of a remote unit. When
throttling is enabled, the data rate passed is equal to
the throttling level times 64 kbps
Link Monitor/
Output Power
Used to run Link Monitor test in Normal, Auto
Output Power or Dynamic Output Power mode.
User Output Power
Adjust Ceiling
Used to limit the maximum transmit power output for
a remote unit.
Signal Margin
(6-31) dB
Desired transmit power safety margin measured with
respect to the base station receive sensitivity theshold.