User's Manual

Wi2Wi, Inc. Rev.1.1
Data Sheet, WLAN-Bluetooth Module– W2CBW009S
Dated: October 20, 2009
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Copyright © 2009 Wi2Wi, Inc.
Page 14 of 20
Table 6: UART Baud Rates
Parameter Possible values
1200 Baud (2% Error)
9600 Baud (1 % Error)
Baud Rate
Maximum 4MBaud (1% Error)
Flow Control RTS/CTS or None
Parity None, Odd or Even
Number of Stop Bits 1 or 2
Bits per Channel 8
The UART interface is capable of resetting W2CBW009S upon reception of a break signal.
6.2 PCM Interface
Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) is a standard method used to digitize audio (particularly voice)
patterns for transmission over digital communication channels. Through its PCM interface,
W2CBW009S has hardware support for continual transmission and reception of PCM data, so
reducing processor overhead for wireless headset applications. W2CBW009S offers a bi-directional
digital audio interface that routes directly into the baseband layer of the on-chip firmware. It does not
pass through the HCI protocol layer. Hardware on W2CBW009S allows the data to be sent to and
received from a SCO connection.
Up to three SCO connections can be supported by the PCM interface at any one time.
W2CBW009S can operate as the PCM interface Master generating an output clock of 128, 256 or
512kHz. When configured as PCM interface slave it can operate with an input clock up to 2048kHz.
W2CBW009S is compatible with a variety of clock formats, including Long Frame Sync, Short
Frame Sync and GCI timing environments.
It supports 13 or 16-bit linear, 8-bit
-law or A-law compounded sample formats at 8k samples/s, and
can receive and transmit on any selection of three of the first four slots following PCM_SYNC.
W2CBW009S interfaces directly to PCM audio devices including the following:
Qualcomm MSM 3000 series and MSM 5000 series CDMA baseband devices
OKI MSM7705 four channel A-law and
-law CODEC
Motorola MC145481 8-bit A-law and
-law CODEC
Motorola MC145483 13-bit linear CODEC
STW 5093 and 5094 14-bit linear CODECs
W2CBW009S is also compatible with the Motorola SSI interface
7 Antenna and Clock
W2CBW009S has single antenna interfaces for Bluetooth and WLAN. The antenna interfaces has 50
Ohm impedance.