User's Guide

Development Kit User Guide Rev11.0
Live data related to each component is displayed on the Control Panel, and battery
settings are shown just to the right of the battery image. A more detailed view of all
parameters is accessible via the “Switch to Data View” button in the upper right corner
of the main display.
Settings Menu
The Settings menu provides four sub-menus that allow for
customized system operation:
1. Battery Settings: provides support for a wide range of
battery chemistries, voltages, and current levels.
2. Charge Settings: allows for deeper configuration of
autonomous functions.
3. Network Settings: allows for network connections to
transmitters over Ethernet.
4. CAN Settings: Provides CAN-bus communications settings
for the Onboard Charger’s optional CAN interface.
Battery Settings
Prior to shipping the system, WiBotic will pre-configure the battery chemistry, number of
battery cells, per-cell charging voltage (which begins as a default based upon battery
chemistry) and maximum charge current based upon the information you provide. Other
settings will also be configured at factory default levels. Begin by opening the “Battery
Settings” sub-menu within the main “Settings” menu to confirm that these values are
correct for the battery you are using.
If you have switched batteries or the WiBotic system is installed on a different robot later
on, these values can be adjusted at any time. Simply use the Battery Configuration
screen to select the proper “Battery Chemistry and “Number of Cells. A default
“Volts per Cell” will be displayed based upon the chosen chemistry, but this value can
also be manually overridden. “Float Voltage” is a calculated value based upon the
number of cells and per-cell voltage and displays the overall maximum charge voltage
the system will target for the robot’s battery or battery pack. If the available options do
not provide the correct voltage for your system, a Custom” battery chemistry option is
also available.