User's Manual

ezWAVE Cards Users Guide Version 1.6
Copyright© Widelink 2000 DOC 2001.02.01
Page 33 of 36
Building Materials
Radio penetration is greatly influenced by the building material used in construction. For
example, drywall construction allows greater range than concrete blocks. Metal or steel
construction is a barrier to radio signals.
Enhancing Coverage
The system architecture options of the wireless station and ezWAVE Access Points
provide for a variety of coverage alternatives and flexibility. The system can be designed
to provide a wide coverage area with minimal overlap or coverage with heavy overlap.
The latter improves system performance and protection against downtime in the event of
a component failure. By arranging the ezWAVE Access Points so the overlap in
coverage area is minimized, a large area can be covered with minimal system cost. The
total bandwidth available to each mobile station will depend on the amount of data each
mobile station desires to transfer and the number of stations located in each cell.
Seamless roaming is supported as mobile station moves in and out of range of each
ezWAVE Access Point, thereby maintaining a constant connection to the wired LAN.
Each device in the radio network must be configured with the same Service Set Identifier
(SSID) to provide the roaming capability. Multiple systems can operate in the same
vicinity. The architecture provides multiple channels, which can coexist in the same area
with virtually no interference to each other. In this mode, each system must be
configured with different Service Set Identifiers (SSID) and different channels, which
prevent clients from roaming to ezWAVE Access Points from a different wireless system.