User Manual

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Be aware that the use of any type of hearing aid
may involve a slightly increased risk of infection in
the ear canal. An infection can arise as a result of
inadequate ventilation of the ear. We therefore rec-
ommend that you remove the hearing aid and ear-
set from your ear at night to allow the ear canal to
be ventilated. Make sure that you clean and inspect
your hearing aid and ear-set as required. If an in-
fection occurs, you should seek medical attention
and contact your hearing care professional for ad-
vice on how to disinfect the various hearing aid
parts. Do not under any circumstances use alcohol,
chlorine or similar substances.
Your hearing aid uses a built-in transceiver for co-
ordination between the hearing aids. The magnetic
field strength of the transceiver is very low.
Your hearing aid has been tested for interference
according to international standards. Nevertheless,
it is possible that unforeseen interference may oc-
cur in the hearing aid due to electromagnetic radi-
ation from other products such as alarm systems
and mobile phones.
Although your hearing aid has been designed to
comply with the most stringent international elec-
tromagnetic compatibility standards, the possibili-
ty cannot be excluded that it may cause interfer-
ence with other equipment, such as medical devic-
Never try to open or repair the hearing aid your-
Do not wear your hearing aid during X-rays, scans
or radiation treatments. Other types of radiation,
such as that in a microwave oven, can also damage
your hearing aid. Radiation from, for example,
room surveillance equipment, burglar alarms and
mobile phones is weaker and will not damage the
hearing aid.
Widex hearing aids are not certified for use in
mines or other areas with explosive gases.