User's Manual Part 2

e volume
e [+] [] keys allow you to ad-
just the volume in 13 steps. e
minimum level is 0, at which lev-
el the hearing aid is completely
silent, and the maximum level
is 13. e initial volume is set to
9 as standard, and this is always
the volume setting to which the
remote control reverts. If, for ex-
ample, you have selected listen-
ing program 2 and volume level 6, and then change
to another listening program, the volume level will
automatically change to 9.
You can adjust the volume one step at a time by sin-
gle key presses, or you can hold the [+] or [] key
down until the required volume has been reached.
Adjusting the volume if you only have one hearing
To start the remote control, press
the [(•)] key for approximately ½
second. e initial setting, P1 V9
(program 1, volume 9), should
now be displayed. Use the [+]
[] keys to adjust the volume
as required. e remote control
automatically turns off after ap-
proximately 10 seconds.
Adjusting the volume if you have two hearing aids
that you want to set to different levels
You can only set your hearing aids to two different
volume levels if your remote control has been pro-
grammed with this option.