User's Guide

Sign in to your Google Account
If you have a Google Account but have not yet signed in with your phone, follow these
instructions to sign in to your Google Account.
1. From home, swipe up to access Apps, and tap Settings .
2. Tap Accounts > Add account.
3. Tap Google, and then tap Enter your email.
4. Enter your Gmail address and password, and then tap Next.
5. After your phone connects with the Google servers, select the items you would like to sync
with your phone and then tap Sync now.
6. Tap Finish setup.
Google Play Store
Google Play™ is the place to go to find new Android apps, books, movies, and music for your
phone. Choose from a wide variety of free and paid content ranging from productivity apps and
games to bestselling books and blockbuster movies and music. When you find what you want,
you can easily download and install it on your phone.
To access the Google Play store app, you must first connect to the Internet using your phone‟s
Wi-Fi or mobile data connection and sign in to your Google Account. See Sign in to your
Google account for details.
Installing applications
Many different kinds of applications can be installed on your phone from Google Play
(provided by Google Inc.). Wiko is not responsible in any way for user-installed applications
(quality, reliability, legality, fitness for a purpose, credibility, accuracy, etc.) or resulting
malfunctions (viruses, etc.).