User's Manual

DLT 300 3.0 Digital Transceiver and DLR 360 3.0 Digital Receiver
Example 1: 2-way Mode, Tour Guide
1. Tour Guide 1 speaks, using a DLT alone (built-in mic) or using it with a compatible headset mic.
2. Each Tour Group Member and Tour Guide 2 listen directly to Tour Guide 1, each using a DLT alone (built-in speaker) or using it
with a compatible headset mic.
3. Tour Guide 2 then speaks, using a DLT alone (built-in mic) or using it with a compatible headset mic.
4. Each Tour Group Member and Tour Guide 1 listen directly to Tour Guide 2 using a DLT.
5. With the push of a button, a Tour Group Member uses a DLT (built-in mic) to ask the Tour Guides a question. Both Tour Guides
and all Tour Group Members listen to the question, each using a DLT.
6. Tour Guide 2 responds to the question, using a DLT. Tour Guide 1 and all Tour Group Members listen to the answer, each using
a DLT.
7. With the push of a button, Tour Guide 1 takes control of the discussion once again and responds to the same Tour Group
Member question. Tour Guide 2 and Tour Group Members now listen to Tour Guide 1’s answer, each using a DLT.
8. Tour Guides have two-way communication capability; they can talk/listen simultaneously to one another. Tour Group Members
can participate as listen-only or can access two-way mode with the quick push of a button. Tour Guides always control the