
Trying to upgrade an ignition system can be confusing and expensive. Every coil and ignition system
manufacturer claims that their products are the best and will give the biggest performance increase. Nology
is no exception. But there is one important difference...Nologys PowerCore
ignition coil amplifier really
delivers and because no additional electronic control unit or high performance ignition coil is necessary, it is
the most economical way to step up the power of any electronic or points inductive ignition system. The
ignition coil amplifier is so effective, simply connecting PowerCore
to the primary side of
the ignition coil increases ignition coil energy output and available spark voltage by up to 50% without
adversely effecting the coils rpm limit.
Most performance and racing ignition coils increase only the theoretically available spark voltage or spark
energy and sometimes only the coils rpm limit, never all three. However, increasing a coils theoretically
available maximum spark voltage can actually hurt performance. A coil designed to generate a high spark
voltage is generally very slow, consequently, a high voltage ignition coil is generally not a high rpm coil.
To generate a high secondary voltage, coil saturation time has to be increased, but since a longer saturation
time is not available, considering the rpm modern engines rev and the fact that when not fully saturated a
coil operates outside the range where most efficient, available spark voltage can actually be lower. Racing
coils are designed to work with the short saturation time available at high engine rpm. Thats why most high
rpm racing coils feature a lower theoretically available spark voltage. This tradeoff is accepted because it is
more important that a competition coil is capable of generating a spark at high engine speeds, even if such
a spark is weak, than a more powerful spark that could only be generated up to a much lower rpm range.
In contrast, Nologys PowerCore
ignition coil amplifier always increases available spark voltage, spark
energy and the rpm limit of the ignition coil. This never before available technology is truly revolution-
ary. By perfectly matching the inductance, oscillation frequency, resistance and magnetic field density of
the PowerCore
to the ignition coil, the efficiency of the ignition coil is increased tremendously. Coil
rise and saturation time is much shorter. This raises the coils rpm limit substantially. Even though the
saturation time is shorter, the theoretically available maximum spark voltage is much higher as a result of
the coils much increased primary voltage. The higher primary energy supplied by the PowerCore
amplifier also increases the secondary energy
(spark energy) considerably. This hotter, more
powerful spark ignites every fuel/air mixture
much quicker, more reliably and more effi-
ciently. Therefore, increasing horsepower and
torque whereas fuel consumption and emis-
sions are decreased. PowerCore
is abso-
lutely essential for high compression and/or
high revving engines and all lean-burn appli-
m1.1 shows voltage of a stock ignition and m2.1
shows the same ignition system with the PowerCore
connected. Peak voltage has increased 167 volts to 268
volts (60%). A similar increase can be measured for
primary and secondary current!
Increasing the Performance
of an Inductive Ignition System