User guide

The T35 has two selectable modes of compressor gain: Normal and Reduced. For applications such as
music and voice, where high audio quality is desirable, Reduced is the recommended mode of operation.
Reduced compression gain minimizes the amount of low input level boost and alteration in the sound
which compression can cause.
For hearing assistance or applications where the transmitting message is critical for listening, the T35 can
be set to Normal Compression gain. Normal compression gain boosts the “soft” audio sounds for a more
understandable, consistent delivery. This may be appropriate for applications where the listening audience
has moderate to severe hearing loss. Compression is generally not desirable for applications such as music,
concerts, etc. In this case, compression can be turned off by setting the compression “slope” to 1:1.
NOTE: The T35 is shipped from the factory in the Reduced mode.
To select Reduced or Normal Compression:
1) Press the “ ” menu button (Figure 12) to access the LCD “Compressor Gain” (M8) screen.
2) Press the “+” or “-” menu buttons to select between Reduced and Normal compressor gain.
3) When the desired compressor gain is displayed, press the “Set” button to save the change into memory.
No additional action is necessary
. After 30 seconds of inactivity, the LCD screen will return to the
default display.
NOTE: The installer must take care in using compression. Compression may contribute to excessive
noise in the listener’s receivers.
IMPORTANT: Listen to the transmitted audio through the headphone jack, especially when
deciding on an appropriate compressor gain and slope. This is a good way to ensure the lis-
tening audience is going to r
eceive the highest audio quality.