User's Manual

on Unit”, quickly tap the button once to satisfy those instructions.
Tapping button toggles the load attached ON or OFF.
Remote Control
The ZW1502 will respond to BASIC and BINARY commands that are part of the Z-Wave system.
Refer to your controllers instructions as to whether your controller can transmit those commands.
All On/All Off
The ZW1502 supports the ALL ON/ALL OFF commands.
The ZW1502 can be set to respond to ALL ON and ALL OFF commands
4 different ways. Refer to your controller for information on how to set
the ZW1502 to operate in the manner you desire. Some controllers may
be only able to set certain settings of ALL ON/ALL OFF response. The
4 different ways the ZW1502 can be set up to respond to ALL ON and
ALL OFF commands are:
ZW1502 will not respond to ALL ON or the ALL OFF command.
ZW1502 will respond to ALL OFF command but will not respond to
ALL ON command.
ZW1502 will respond to ALL ON command but will not respond to
ALL OFF command.
ZW1502 will respond to ALL ON and the ALL OFF command.
Manufacturer Speci c
The ZW1502 supports the Manufacturer Speci c command. The
ZW1502 can return Manufacturer Speci c information about itself.
Refer to your Controller’s instructions on how to get this information
from the ZW1502 .
SUC Support
There must be a Static Update Controller in your Z-Wave system for
this feature to work. The Static Controller can act as a gateway in the
system, since other nodes always know its position (not moved after
addition to the network. The “always listening” advantage of the Static
Controller is that other nodes can transmit information frames to it
whenever needed. You can assign an “SUC Route” to the ZW1502 .
Refer to your controller’s instructions on how to do this (if it supports it).
Assigning an SUC Route to the ZW1502 allows it to request an update
of the Z-Wave devices that are between it and the Z-Wave device to
which it was trying to transmit. The ZW1502 will only request an update
when a transmission fails. Con guration
The ZW1502 supports the Con guration command.
The ZW1502 can be con gured to operate slightly differently that it
works when you rst install it. Using the con guration command you can
con gure the following (if your controller supports it) Set this parameter
to 1 for normal ON/OFF operation. Set this parameter to 0 to enable
ash mode which operates as follows:
With Parameter 104 value set to 0, relay is closed and