Owner's manual

(see Figure 8). The default rotation is set by using a combination of a spike, nut, and a
diode. If required, additional rotation can be achieved by using the provided 1/2ā€ spacers
between the diode and the bottom of the cabinet (see Figure 8). The amount of rotation
depends on your listening position.
Set the rotation as follows:
1. Remove the casters from the bottom of the Mezzo Convergent Synergy. In-
sert the spike with nut in their place. Turn to Section 10, table 1, locate your
listening position on the table.
2. Assemble the front spikes with the listed diode/spacer combination in Table
1 (see also Figure 5).
3. Install the spikes as shown in Figure 9 above.
Note: the material used for the bottom of the Mezzo Convergent Synergy Wilsonā€™s pro-
SpacerS (uSe only iF
indicated in table)
pike and
nut only
diode, Spike,
and nut
figure 8 ā€“ installing the Mezzo conVergent sYnergY spikes
M e z z o C o n v e r g e n t S y n e r g y o w n e r ā€™ S M a n u a l
Wilson Audio Specialties