Owner's manual

(See Figure 9).
Note: Do not tighten the nut at this time. Wait until the fine-tuning has been completed
for the entire system and the speaker has been leveled.
Note: Four small brass disks have been provided for use as spike pads. Place these under
the spikes to protect the finish of your floors.
3. Using provided 3/16 Allen wrench, remove the 4 setscrews from the bot-
tom of the Mezzo Convergent Synergy. Keep these as they are the setscrews
needed to assemble your spikes and may be required during final setup.
figure 10 bolting the Mezzo conVergent sYnergY to the stand
anchor bolt
M e z z o C o n v e r g e n t S y n e r g y o w n e r S M a n u a l
Wilson Audio Specialties