Owner's manual

• Find the front to back location where the bass is tight, dynamics are cor-
rect, image is well-focused, and you find the best soundstaging. Mark this
as your final front to back location.
Determining Side to Side Distance
The distance the speakers are from the side walls is very important. This distance de-
termines the amount of comb filtering you will hear. In effect, you are “tuning” the comb
filter interaction between the speaker and the wall. Perform the side to side analysis as
Place a piece of tape on the floor parallel to the front edge of the speaker
and again mark off 1/2 inch increments side to side.
Using only one channel/speaker at a time, now determine the optimum po-
sition with regard to side walls.
Note: A high quality, solo piano recording works well for this step.
While music is playing, slowly move the speakers left or right 1 inch then
1/2 inch at a time until you achieve the best harmonic integrity.
You should not need to move the speaker any more than one inch left or right from
the original location. Do this independently for each channel. What you will hear when the
speaker moves into the correct location is a reduction of hardness and muddied harmonics
from the piano.
Note: If you continue moving the speaker past this point, you will begin to hear again
this fatiguing artifact.
When you have determined the optimum location for each speaker, mark it carefully
with masking tape, and make certain the toe-in is correct. When installing the spikes, the
speakers may shift slightly, but you can move them precisely back to the correct location
again using your tape markers.
S e C T i O n 5 . 2 l e f T a n d r i g h T C h a n n e l S
Wilson Audio Specialties