
Contact Wilson Electronics Technical Support Team with any questions at 866-294-1660
or email: tech@wilsonelectronics.com Hours: 7 am to 6 pm MST.
Contact Wilson Electronics Technical Support Team with any questions at 866-294-1660
or email: tech@wilsonelectronics.com Hours: 7 am to 6 pm MST.
How it Works
Wilson Electronics Signal Boosters are bi-directional devices that deliver service levels
consistent with what would be expected in areas of high cell network coverage. They
amplify a weak or shadowed signal in mobile, marine, M2M and in-building applications.
When using a Wilson Electronics Signal Booster in conjunction with Wilson Electronics
antennas, the Outside Antenna will collect the cell tower signal and send it through the
cable to the Signal Booster. Cell phones and cellular data cards then communicate with
the improved signal. When a cellular device transmits, the signal is amplified by the Signal
Booster and transmitted back to the cell tower through the Outside Antenna.
Installing the External Adapter
An external adapter is required to connect the cell phone or cellular data card to the Signal
Booster. The external adapter is cell phone/data card-specic and may be purchased
through a local retailer. Refer to Wilson Electronics Adapter Guide to identify the correct
adapter for your cell phone or cellular data card. The adapter guide is available through a
local retailer or at www.WilsonElectronics.com. The external adapter plugs into the antenna
extension cable (included) and directly into a socket on the cellular device.
The external adapter and the extension cable are long enough to reach the Signal Booster
location. This allows for ease and convenience of use. Run the extension cable from the
external adapter and attach it to the connector labeled “Cellular Phone or Data Card” on the
Signal Booster.
NOTE: Depending on your specific cell phone, the adapter socket may be located beneath
a rubber plug.
Installing a Wilson Electronics Outside Antenna
Select a location on the top of the structure to install the Outside Antenna that has the most
unobstructed line of sight to the cell tower. To obtain maximum performance, the antenna
should point toward the cell tower. Follow the instructions included with the Outside
Antenna and the RF Safety Warning (page 5). Run the cable from the Outside Antenna and
attach it to the connector labeled “Outside Antenna” on the Signal Booster.
Lightning protection is recommended for all stationary installations (sold separately). Take
extreme care to ensure neither you nor the antenna come in contact with any electrical power
lines. Ensure there are at least three feet of clearance in all directions surrounding the
Installing a Wilson Electronics Signal Booster
Select a location to install the Signal Booster that is away from excessive heat, direct
sunlight, moisture and that has proper ventilation. Ensure the Signal Booster is installed
within six feet of where the cell phone or cellular data card will be used (to accommodate
the six-foot adapter extension cable).
insert the
power cable.
Warning: Use only a Wilson Electronics
power supply. Use of a non-Wilson Electronics
product could damage your equipment. It is
recommended that all AC power supplies for
home electronics be plugged into a Surge
Protector Power Strip.
Warning: Verify that both the Outside
Antenna and the adapter extension cable
are connected to the Signal Booster before
powering up the Signal Booster.
Testing a Wilson Electronics Signal Booster
To test your Signal Booster, go to a weak signal area where your cell phone registers only
1-2 bars without the Signal Booster turned on. Then, connect the Signal Booster to the
phone and you should see a signal improvement of 2 or more bars. Note: Many phones
take up to 30 seconds to reset the bar indicator.
Installing the Mounting Plate
To purchase a mounting plate call Wilson Electronics Sales Team 800-204-4104.
Remove two screws from back of Signal Booster that
correspond with the mounting plate.
Place Signal Booster on mounting plate and reinstall the two
screws previously removed from back of Signal Booster.
Caution: Do not remove “Void Sticker.”
Mobile Installation
In-Building Installation
(Point towards
cell tower)
Signal Booster
DC Power Supply
Power Supply
Connect to
cell phone or
data card
Connect to
cell phone or
data card
This is the recommended install for in-vehicle
use. Contact our Technical Support Team for
more information at: 866-294-1660 or
This is the recommended install for in-building
use. Contact our Technical Support Team for
more information at: 866-294-1660 or
Surge Protector
(sold separately)
Powering up a Wilson Electronics Signal Booster
Ensure that both the Outside Antenna cable and the adapter cable are connected to the 1.
Signal Booster before powering up the Signal Booster.
Connect the power supply to the power input labeled with the USB symbol on 2.
the Signal Booster. Plug the power supply into a powerstrip surge protector
The indicator light on the top of the Signal Booster will be GREEN when the unit is 3.
powered up and working properly.
If the light is off, ensure power supply connections are tight.4.
(PN# 901138)