User Manual

7 Troubleshooting
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Bad port on the switch
Check other customers who are attached to the same STAR
In case no further customers are attached to the same
STAR, try attaching the device to another port.
WIMAN Baud rate parameters are not adjusted correctly:
If the WIMAN radio modem does not interface with the termi-
nal program, the Baud rate may be set incorrectly on the
WIMAN and/or the terminal program.
Frequency table adjusted incorrectly
If the WIMAN Slave cannot construct synchronized connections
and you are using generated frequency tables, check that the pa-
rameter "FtabMode" is adjusted to "user". Make sure that all
parameters are configured correctly.
Parameter destination not adjusted correctly (LINE only)
This situation cannot occur after a loop test. If the Socket pro-
gram cannot structure a connection, check the network and en-
sure that all parameters "destination" are set to the correct value.
Baud rate in the Socket program not set correctly
If the Socket program cannot construct a connection, it could be
that the Baud rate is set incorrectly on the Socket program
and/or the WIMAN.
Parameter NodeID not set correctly
If an ACCESS radio modem receives synchronization impulses,
but no data can be transmitted, it could be that the parameter
NodeID is adjusted incorrectly. The double assignment of a
node number in the same network leads to malfunctioning.
Serial number does not correspond with the device table
If the WIMAN STAR is adjusted to a serial number that differs
from the one used in the Peertable, malfunction may occur.
IP-Parameter in the Socket-program not set properly
If the Socket program over the ACCESS radio modem cannot
construct a connection, check whether all IP parameters are ad-
justed correctly.
Damaged or defective antenna cable
Damaged or defective synchronization cable