User Manual

2 The WIMAN Command Line Level
19 / 90l
The parameter LoopTest yields a back loop test. If loop test is
set to True, the WIMAN begins to transmit test data in back
loop operation. Therefore, it is possible to check procedure sta-
tistics during the test. This parameter is not available on STAR
Authorization Level: 2
Preset value: False
Scope: True, False
The parameter MaxRetry determines the maximum number of a
repeated package dispatching. A package is dispatched again
only in the case of a failed checksum test. If a package fails the
checksum test, the WIMAN tries to send the package again. The
number of attempts to resend the package can be determined in
Authorization Level: 2
Preset Value: 9
Scope: 0 ... 9
The parameter NetId determines the network address of the
WIMAN. The WIMAN analyses only the data communication
that is addressed to the network address configured on it. NetID
also determines which frequency-hopping table is used.
Please note that if several WIMAN networks are situated in
close geographical location identical NetIds may not be used.
Authorization Level: 2
Preset value: 255
Scope: 0 ... 255
The parameter NodeId determines the non-standard address of a
WIMAN radio modem within a network. A NodeID with the
value 0 automatically changes the WIMAN radio modem to
MASTER operation. NodeIDs of 1... 250 automatically switch
a WIMAN radio modem into the SLAVE operation with appro-
priate NodeIDs from 1... 250. Two WIMAN radio modems in
the same network (same NetId) may not possess identical
NodeIDs. Disturbance would occur and communication would
be lost until one of the devices is switched off.
This effect does not occur, if a serial number for this NodeID is
set with the instruction peer (see peer below). In this configura-
tion, the WIMAN radio modem with the adjusted serial number