User Manual

2 The WIMAN Command Line Level
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2.6.3 General instructions
The instruction Help displays a summarized list of instructions.
The output on the command line level appears as follows:
WIMAN_Star # help
WIMAN II Wireless Data Communication Equipment
(c) 1999-2000 ALTVATER AIRDATA Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Bad Rappenau Germany
Built-In shell commands:
config - enter config mode
clear - clears a VT 100 screen
clear stat <type> - clears the statistic <type>
exit - exit configuration shell
export - export configuration
help - display these few helpful help lines
reset - reset unit
save - save running config to boot config
show - display running config and differences to boot config
show <regex> - display parameter(s) matching <regex>
stat <type> - display statistic information of <type>
swupdate <swlst> - get software update list <swlst> from TFTP Server
How to use command line editing, the shell history function and
the syntax of a valid <regexp>, please see the user's manual.
Figure 7 Help display output
The input of a valid parameter name alone leads to textual in-
formation available for this parameter. The admissible scope for
this parameter is displayed and the factory-installed preset value
are displayed, too.
The command CLEAR deletes the display on the command line
level of the respective terminal program (e.g. Telix or telnet
The instruction reset restarts the WIMAN (Hardware reset).