User's Manual

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2003 Windigo Systems
BlueManager User Manual
Refresh Button
The Refresh button will assess the devices in range and their status. The Extended Systems logo
located on the top right of the main screen will rotate while Blue Manager is refreshing or
otherwise busy.
Exchanging Business Cards
The Exchange Business Cards menu option involves trading vCards between two devices. First,
the local device's default vCard is sent over to the selected remote device's inbox. After your
default vCard has been successfully transmitted, then the remote device's default vCard is
transferred into your inbox.
If either side does not have a default vCard present in the set location, then the exchange will fail.
NOTE: The default vcard's name and location is set under the menu item
Tools, Options,
When Blue Manager is first installed, the default vcard name and location is
root:\btinbox\username.vcf (for example: c:\btinbox\joec.vcf ). However, a default vCard is
NOT created for you, and so the Exchange Business Cards option WILL FAIL until you change
the default to a vCard that exists or until you create a vCard with the default name and location.
How To Exchange Business Cards:
1. Select a device with which you would like to exchange vCards.
2. Select the Exchange Business Cards menu option from any of these locations:
a. Select a device with the mouse and then select
File, Exchange Business Cards
b. Right-click on the device in the Tree View and select
Exchange Business Cards
c. Right-click on the device in the List View and select
Exchange Business Cards