Compatibility chart

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SG-1 MM-101
SG-2 MM-102
SG-3 MM-103
SG-60 MM-160
SG-70 MM-170
SG-150, SG-200 MM-200
BG-1 MM-301
BG-2 MM-302
BG-3 MM-303
BG-60 MM-360
BG-70 MM-302
BG-150, BG-200 MM-250
300 Series MM-300
600 Series MM-600
900 series MM-900
1200 Series MM-120
20/421 Series MM-421/US
Ultra-Screen Series MM-421/US
NOTES: The recomendations given are
estimations based on the specifications published
by each manufacturer. The end user should try the
Mic-Muff for appropriate fit and usage prior to
purchase. Prices and Specifications are subject to
change without notice.