User's Manual

Winmate Communication Inc. User Guide Feb 12, 2001
at least two wireless stations. This type of network is often referred to as an ad hoc
network because it can be constructed quickly without much planning.
Industrial, Scientific, and Medicine bands (ISM bands)
Radio frequency bands that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
authorized for wireless LANs. The ISM bands are located at 902 MHz, 2.400 GHz,
and 5.7 GHz.
Infrastructure network
A wireless network centered about an access point. In this environment, the access
point not only provides communication with the wired network but also mediates
wireless network traffic in the immediate neighborhood.
Logical Link Control (LLC) layer
The highest layer of the IEEE 802 reference model, providing similar functions of a
traditional data link control protocol.
Medium Access Control (MAC) layer
Provides medium acess services for IEEE 802 LANs.
A bounded physical space in which a number of wireless devices can communicate.
Because it is possible to have overlapping cells as well as isolated cells, the
boundaries of the cell are established by some rule or convention.
The signal variation caused when radio signals take multiple paths from transmitter to
narrowband system
A wireless system that uses dedicated frequencies assigned by the FCC licenses. The
advantage of narrowband system is that if interference occurs, the FCC will intervene
and issue an order for the interfering source to cease operations.
A standard interface between networks and PCs that allows applications on different
computers to communicate within a LAN. It was created by IBM for its early PC