User Manual

JDY-25M Super BLE Bluetooth Module
3APP configures current device instruction table Use characteristic UUID
This instruction is only used for the current APP connected device parameter
Data Function description
F202 NETID APP sets the network NETID, with the length of 2 bytes
F303 MADDR APP sets short address, MADDR length is 2 bytes
F404 MCLSS APP sets network type, MCLSS length is 1 byte, 0 represents
router, 1 represents terminal device
F505 ROLE APP sets the working mode, and the length of ROLE is 1 byte,
0Indicates slave transparent transmission
1Indicates master transparent transmission
2BLE broadcast probe mode
3iBeacon mode
4iBeacon probe mode
5MESH network mode
6 Multi-connected and multi machine mode Support
simultaneous connection transparent transmission of 4 masters
7 Multi-connected master slave mode Support master to
connect 4 slaves
8Key label detection mode
F606 x1x2x3x3x5 APP sets key parameters
x1: Indicates key number, range (1 to 5)
x2x3Indicates the target address of key, range (0000-ffff)
x4Indicates the target output pin number, range (1 to 5)
x5Indicates whether the target receive data and the serial port
output at the same time, range (0-1)
F707 SUBTYPE SUBTYPE=1 in MESH mode indicates that OUT and target are
SUBTYPE=0 in MESH mode indicates that OUT and target are
not synchronized
F808 LEARN LEARN=1 in MESH mode indicates open learning function
0 indicates close learning function
F909 x1x2x3x4
x1 indicates the OUTPUT pin number of the current device
x2 indicates code sender INPUT pin number
x3x4 indicates the short address of the code sender (0001-FF00)
FA01 DEVCLSS DEVCLSS=F1 indicates open the function of one key bind and
connect to the strongest signal slave
DEVCLSS =0 indicates close
Label numberValue 0x00-0x09