User Manual

JDY-25M Super BLE Bluetooth Module
. Product introduction
JDY-25M super Bluetooth function supports master-slave transparent transmission, iBeacon,
BLE probe, iBeacon detection, and MESH network. The maximum number of MESH network
supports 65280 device network. Multi-hop wireless anti-collision technology is adopted. The
network communication speed supports 50ms to send 16 byte data. The single module supports
routing node and terminal node. The routing node supports data relay (low power consumption is
not supported). The terminal node supports low power consumption (automatic sleep after key
wake-up and data sending), JDY-25M network generally only needs to be configured with
network NETID and short address, and the module will automatically network. When the network
module communicates with APP, it is equivalent to transparent transmission, which greatly
convenient for users to develop APP compatible with old products APP.
. Product characteristics
1Support data transparent transmission with mobile phone (IOS, Android) APP (working current
about 1mA)
2Support module and module master slave high speed transparent transmission
3Support iBeacon function (ultra-low power consumption)
4Support iBeacon probe function
5Support BLE Bluetooth probe function
6 Multi-connected slave mode is supported. Multi-connected slave can connect with multiple
mobile phones and transparent transmission at the same time.
7Support Bluetooth MESH network (Network serial port data communication, output IO control,
input key control)
8MESH network data sending supports response and no response communication
9Network remote control
10Multi-connected master-slave mixed connection (the master is connected to the slave at the
same time, and the slave is connected to the mobile phone at the same time, and work at the same
. Product application scope
1Bluetooth network LED (one-to-many, many-to-one, mobile phone or remote controller control,
many-to-many control)
2Bluetooth network serial port communication application (one-to-many, many-to-one, mobile
phone or remote controller control, many-to-many control)
3Network panel switch, 86 switch (ultra-low power consumption)
4Network smart home application (switch, relay, curtain) control
5Network sensor application
6WIFI network gateway application
7Zigbee network application
8Mobile network control application
9Key label