
UC Series
Washing one and the
same kind
Washing glasses or dishes
separately is very easy:
just select the program-
me on the touch screen.
Dishes are washed with a
stronger pressure and a
higher rinse temperature,
glasses with a reduced
water pressure and rinse
Double the savings
thanks to heat recovery
and reduced rinse tempe-
rature. At 80 washing
cycles per day, this saves
2920 kWh – nearly
£ 292.00 per year!
Another advantage: the
room environment
improves, since almost no
hot, damp water vapour
escapes from the Energy
Bistro dishwashers
Washing glasses and dis-
hes together introduces
different types of dirt.
Thanks to the newly
developed fourfold wash
water filtration system
with sediment sensor,
floating particles, such as
coffee grounds, are filte-
red out. Thus the wash
water stays permanently
Bistro dishwashers
In a bistro, a wide variety of different wash items, from
glasses to cutlery to plates, have to be washed hygienically
clean in a very small space. The Bistro dishwasher gives you
a choice of programmes for different sorts of ware.
Depending on the space available or the requirements of
your wash items, you can choose from four sizes S, M, L
and XL. Winterhalter can provide you with the right deter-
gent and racks for this purpose.
Easy to operate, the three defined standard programmes
can be selected using symbols for the respective kind of
wash items.
Standard Energy**
Theoretical capacity,
washing programmes 1/2/3 [racks/hr.] 40/32/28 40/32/28
Short programme [racks/hr.] 66 66
Rinse water requirement per cycle* [l] 2.4 2.4
Rinse temperature [°C] 65-85 65
Tank temperature [°C] 62 62
* Under ideal conditions. The rinse water consumption depends on circumstances on the customer‘s premises. Fine adjustment is done at commissioning.
** Under ideal conditions: Water inlet temperature < 20 °C
We recommend using Winterhalter detergent and rinse aid (pp. 24) with our UC Series dishwashers. What is more, you can find information on additional
racks on pp. 30.