Hardware Guide

Calculated positions are being written on the Location Provider System database. These positions
can also be used in real time by remoting technology. This architecture providesflexiblity in
integration with third party softwares. Wipelot H-RTLS application comprises an independent
service which listens the Location Provider System database. It interpretes fetched informationa
nd applies some business rules on it prior to UI interaction.
Tags comprise a conductive security element attachment having two ends, whose electrical state
will change when stretched, severed, or removed by parting the end. When the electrical state
changes an alarm codewill be generated and sent toreceivers. This information will then be
processed as explained above.
Built in motion sensor is able to detect unnatural movements like falling, being idlefor a certain
period of time etc. Alarm will be generated as soon as this kind of movement is detected.
1.3. RF affecting factors
All devices's RF signals can affect some material some extent. If our devices's RF signal
encounter some material especially high-level obstacle severity material as stated in Table 1.
Router, Reader and Tags will be decreased range of distance. For this reason, all device have to
position as far as possible from especially obstruction of high level obstacle severity material as in
Table 1.
Sample Use
Wood / Wood paneling
İnside a wall or hollow door
İnside Walls
Couches or office partitions
Clear glass