Installation Guide

Antenna Type
Due to FCC restrictions the professional installer must ensure that only directional patch
type antennas of gains with less or equal of 18dBi are used. For these antenna this
device does not require manual power limit settings since the maximum output power of
the AIRcable Host XR is under 20dBm.
The FCC restricts the use of directional antennas to fixed point-to-point operation. The
antenna must be installed on a pole using the supplied mounting hardware per drawing
The omni-directional antenna must be used directly connected to the AIRcable Host XR
without a cable pig-tail. Screw on the antenna to the antenna port of the device and
align the antenna vertically.
Only antennas of that type with gain of less or equal 18dBi (directional) and less or equal
9dBi (omni-directional) are certified by the FCC and allowed to use with the AIRcable
Host XR.
Antenna Model Antenna Gain
ANT2400D18W 18dBi directional
ANT2400Q9P 9dBi omni-directional