User's Manual

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the simple most common Bluetooth commands. It allows the discovery of other devices, pairing, inbound slave and outbound master connections and
disconnect by software.
You should understand Bluetooth before you can use the manual mode. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Disconnect by Software
Once a connection is established the command line interface is no longer available since all input and output is routed through transparently to the
other end.
In this mode it is possible to disconnect a link programmatically. Depending on the type of device (DTE, DCE or USB) your software would disable
either the DTR or the DSR line, whichever is an input on the AIRcable side.
On the AIRcable Serial DCE (module with male type DB9 connector) the input pin is pin 6 of the DB9 connector (DSR). Once this pin becomes
inactive, the connection is dropped.
On the AIRcable Serial DTE (module with female type DB9 connector) the input pin is pin 4 of the DB9 connector (DTR). Once this pin
becomes inactive, the connection is dropped.
On the AIRcable USB module, the program should use the DTR line to disconnect the link.
On the AIRcable for Motorola, close the port and it will automatically disable DTR and disconnect.
List of commands
“H” Shows status of the AIRcable
“B” Print its own BT address: “ADDR: 1A2B3C4D5E6F”
“O” Print or set “Class Of Device”.
Example: “OC20104” sets class of device to INFO+MODEM+NET, major PC, minor
DESKTOP, see "Bluetooth Assigned Numbers" documentation (*)
“P” Display PIN number: "PIN: 12345"
“P12345” Set PIN number to “12345”, and enable authentication. Pin number can be between 2 and
5 digits long.
“PD” Disable authentication but keeps the PIN number if another device asks for it. For slave
mode only.
“PU” This command creates a unique 5 digit PIN number and appends it to the name.
"E" Disable encryption mode: "encryption disabled"
"E1" Example: enable encryption mode.
“N” Returns the name of the device: "AIRcable"
“NAIRcable” Set name to AIRcable, name has to be exactly 8 characters, fill up with space if required
name is shorter.
“I” Do an inquiry scan for default 11 seconds. The following commands are useful only in
manual mode. Upon start it will respond with: "INQUIRING". At the end it will print "OK".
“I90” Do an inquiry scan for 90 seconds, number must be between 1 and 90 seconds. The result
for example looks like: “1A2B3C4D5E6F, class 0xC20104, name AIRtag 12345”.
“CS1A2B3C4D5E6F” Connect as master command. Use authentication as configured. Example: connect to this
BT address at port serial. Second letter specifies the port to connect to: S-serial D-dialup
L-lan or O-obex. The command responses with "CONNECTING", then "CONNECTED" or
“R1A2B3C4D5E6F” Manual pair request. This pairs the AIRcable with the partner specified with the address. It
uses the PIN number configured. The the AIRcable stores the link key it receives to be
used in a subsequent connect command. The command responses with "PAIRING" and
then "OK" or "FAILED".
"L" Read the link key that was stored by previous commands.
"L1234567890ABCDEF..." Set the link key. These are 32 hex numbers.
“D” Display the services enabled, it is a hex number that is or’d from these services: serial 0x8,
dialup 0x4, lan 0x2, obex 0x1.
“DDSDLO” Set discoverable mode and advertise SPP (serial), DUN (dial-up), LAN, OBEX profiles. First
specify if the device should be discoverable “D” or not “U”, then select the profiles: S-serial
D-dialup L-lan or O-obex. (*)
“DU” Make device undiscoverable, keep the selected profiles.
“S” Slave connect command. This is a one time slave command for 11 seconds. After that the
devices is in manual mode again. The command responses with "OPEN" and then
“S20” S
tart slave connect for 20 seconds. If authentication is enabled the PIN number configured
is being used. You can specify up to 90 seconds.