User's Manual

iRespond Touch Technical Manual 2
5. Select the button under Pow.
6. Use the up or down arrow keys to change the power setting.
7. Select the F1 button to save.
8. Press the power button to turn off the base.
Adjust the Base’s Display
To adjust the contrast of a base if it appears too light or too dark:
1. Press the power button to turn on the Touch base.
2. When the base’s UID is displayed at the bottom of the main splash screen,
press the following buttons in order: F2 , Backspace , and Flag .
3. From the diagnostics screen, press the soft button under CFG.
4. From the Configure Unit screen, select the soft key under DIS.
5. Use the up or down arrow keys to adjust the base’s contrast.
6. When the screen is adjusted to your satisfaction, select the F1 button to save
the changes.
7. Press the power
button to turn off the base.
Turning Channel Scan On/Off
It is best for the base and remote units to be on the same channel. However, channel
scanning can be used to allow the base unit to find the best channel with the least amount
of noise. To communicate with a base with channel scanning on, remote units must be
configured with channel hopping on.
1. Press the power button
to turn on the Touch base.