User's Manual

72 RT System 2 v2.3 Deployment Guide R01.i
© 2010-2014 Wireless Seismic, Inc. All rights reserved.
4. Point-to-Point Backhaul
2 Configure the computer to be a private network with a static IP address of See the Troubleshooting Guide, Additional Information chapter, Setting a
Static IP Address section if you need instructions on setting the IP address.
3 Connect a single radio to the computer.
•3-AP.cfg •9-AP.cfg •15-AP.cfg
•3-S.cfg •9-S.cfg •15-S.cfg
4-AP.cfg 10-AP.cfg 16 -AP.cfg
•4-S.cfg •10-S.cfg •16-S.cfg
5-AP.cfg 11-A P.cfg 17-AP.cfg
•5-S.cfg •11-S.cfg •17-S.cfg
6-AP.cfg 12-AP.cfg 18 -AP.cfg
•6-S.cfg •12-S.cfg •18-S.cfg
When using a radio link (pendant) to the recording truck, the following
configuration files are also required:
See “Connecting to the Recording Truck” on page 92 for more information on
using a pendant radio link.
Figure 4–7 Ubiquiti NanoStation Private Network Connection