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Address Register Name
0x1A RegAfcBw 0x8A
0x8B Channel Filter BW control during the AFC routine
0x1B RegOokPeak 0x40 OOK demodulator selection and control in peak mode
0x1C RegOokAvg 0x80 Average threshold control of the OOK demodulator
0x1D RegOokFix 0x06 Fixed threshold control of the OOK demodulator
0x1E RegAfcFei 0x10 AFC and FEI control and status
0x1F RegAfcMsb 0x00 MSB of the frequency correction of the AFC
0x20 RegAfcLsb 0x00 LSB of the frequency correction of the AFC
0x21 RegFeiMsb 0x00 MSB of the calculated frequency error
0x22 RegFeiLsb 0x00 LSB of the calculated frequency error
0x23 RegRssiConfig 0x02 RSSI-related settings
0x24 RegRssiValue 0xFF RSSI value in dBm
0x25 RegDioMapping1 0x00 Mapping of pins DIO0 to DIO3
0x26 RegDioMapping2 0x05
0x07 Mapping of pins DIO4 and DIO5, ClkOut frequency
0x27 RegIrqFlags1 0x80 Status register: PLL Lock state, Timeout, RSSI > Threshold...
0x28 RegIrqFlags2 0x00 Status register: FIFO handling flags...
0x29 RegRssiThresh 0xFF
0xE4 RSSI Threshold control
0x2A RegRxTimeout1 0x00 Timeout duration between Rx request and RSSI detection
0x2B RegRxTimeout2 0x00 Timeout duration between RSSI detection and PayloadReady
0x2C RegPreambleMsb 0x00 Preamble length, MSB
0x2D RegPreambleLsb 0x03 Preamble length, LSB
0x2E RegSyncConfig 0x98 Sync Word Recognition control
0x2F-0x36 RegSyncValue1-8 0x00
0x01 Sync Word bytes, 1 through 8
0x37 RegPacketConfig1 0x10 Packet mode settings
0x38 RegPayloadLength 0x40 Payload length setting
0x39 RegNodeAdrs 0x00 Node address
0x3A RegBroadcastAdrs 0x00 Broadcast address
0x3B RegAutoModes 0x00 Auto modes settings
0x3C RegFifoThresh 0x0F
0x8F Fifo threshold, Tx start condition
0x3D RegPacketConfig2 0x02 Packet mode settings