
Page 72
7 PacketFormat rw 0 Defines the packet format used:
0 Fixed length
1 Variable length
6-5 DcFree rw 00 Defines DC-free encoding/decoding performed:
00 None (Off)
01 Manchester
10 Whitening
11 reserved
4 CrcOn rw 1 Enables CRC calculation/check (Tx/Rx):
0 Off
1 On
3 CrcAutoClearOff rw 0 Defines the behavior of the packet handler when CRC
check fails:
0 Clear FIFO and restart new packet reception. No
PayloadReady interrupt issued.
1 Do not clear FIFO. PayloadReady interrupt issued.
2-1 AddressFiltering rw 00 Defines address based filtering in Rx:
00 None (Off)
01 Address field must match NodeAddress
10 Address field must match NodeAddress or
11 reserved
0 - rw 0 unused
7-0 PayloadLength rw 0x40 If PacketFormat = 0 (fixed), payload length.
If PacketFormat = 1 (variable), max length in Rx, not used
in Tx.
7-0 NodeAddress rw 0x00 Node address used in address filtering.
7-0 BroadcastAddress rw 0x00 Broadcast address used in address filtering.
7-5 EnterCondition rw 000 Interrupt condition for entering the intermediate mode:
000 None (AutoModes Off)
001 Rising edge of FifoNotEmpty
010 Rising edge of FifoLevel
011 Rising edge of CrcOk
100 Rising edge of PayloadReady
101 Rising edge of SyncAddress
110 Rising edge of PacketSent
111 Falling edge of FifoNotEmpty (i.e. FIFO empty)
4-2 ExitCondition rw 000 Interrupt condition for exiting the intermediate mode:
000 None (AutoModes Off)
001 Falling edge of FifoNotEmpty (i.e. FIFO empty)
010 Rising edge of FifoLevel or Timeout
011 Rising edge of CrcOk or Timeout
100 Rising edge of PayloadReady or Timeout
101 Rising edge of SyncAddress or Timeout
110 Rising edge of PacketSent
111 Rising edge of Timeout
1-0 IntermediateMode rw 00 Intermediate mode:
00 Sleep mode (SLEEP)
01 Standby mode (STDBY)
10 Receiver mode (RX)
11 Transmitter mode (TX)