Data Sheet

6.2.3 Firmware upgrades
OTA remote upgrade is the way for modules to upgrade firmware, through which more application functions can
be obtained.
a. Firmware upgrade can be connected to the network through wired network or wifi.
b. Operate GPIO2 to ground, restart the module, and enter OTA upgrade mode.
c. After the upgrade is completed, disconnect GPIO2 from the ground, restart the module, and it enters the
normal working mode.
OTA firmware upgrade instructions: when the firmware is being downloaded, the serial port TXD indicator flashes
quickly; when the download is being upgraded, the serial port TXD indicator is always on; when the upgrade is
successful, the serial port TXD and RXD indicators are always on; when the upgrade fails, the serial port TXD
indicator flashes slowly.
6.2.4 AT Command Function Settings
Users can set functions of the module by inputting AT commands through serial ports.
Refer to the ESP32 AT instruction set for details.
6.2.5 Data Transmission Function
The module has four data transmission ports: Serial port, Wifi, Ethernet and Bluetooth.
Users can use AT commands to combine the four data ports in pairs for data transmission.
Use AT+PASSCHANNEL command to set/query the module's transparent transmission channel. After the setting is
complete, the module needs to be restarted to take effect.
6.3 Socket Function
The Socket working mode of the module is divided into four types: TCP Client, TCP Server, UDP Client, and UDP
Server, which can be set by AT command.
For AT command operation, please refer to esp32 wired module AT command routine v1.2.
6.3.1 TCP Client
1. TCP Client provides client connection for TCP network services. It initiates connection request and establish
connection to the server to realize the interaction between serial port data and server data. According to the
relevant provisions of TCP protocol, TCP client has the difference between connection and disconnection, so as
to ensure the reliable exchange of data. Usually used for data interaction between devices and servers, it is the
most common way of networking communication.
2. When the module connects TCP server as a TCP client, it needs to pay attention to the parameters such as the
target IP / domain name and the target port number. Target IP can be of a local device in the same LAN. It can