
15 / 20
Content: Re-modify the serial port baud rate of the module communication is
115200bps, return OK to indicate that the modification has been successful,
and return ERR
It means that the new serial port baud rate has failed to be modified, and the
serial port baud rate defaults to 115200bps
5.5 Device name operation commands
Command format: AT+NAME=WT5105-M1\r\n
Return value: OK\r\n
Content: Rename the module name to WT5105-M1, the length of the name
does not exceed 20 bytes
Command format: AT+NAME?\r\n
Return value: WT5105-M1\r\n
Content: Query the current device name of the module, the serial port returns
the current device name WT5105-M1
5.6 Bluetooth broadcast time interval setting command
Command format: AT+ADV_INT=100\r\n
Return value: OK\r\n
Content: Set the broadcast interval of Bluetooth to 100ms, the effective
interval is set to 20ms-4000ms, return 0K means the setting is successful, ERR