User guide

10.2. The GTK library
Wireshark is based on the GTK toolkit, see: for details. GTK is designed to hide
the details of the underlying GUI in a platform independent way. As this is appreciated for a multi-
platform tool, this has some drawbacks, as it will result in a somewhat "non native" look and feel.
GTK is available for a lot of different platforms including, but not limited to: Unix/Linux, Mac OS
X and Win32. It's the foundation of the famous GNOME desktop, so the future development of
GTK should be certain. GTK is implemented in plain C (as is Wireshark itself), and available under
the LGPL (Lesser General Public License), being free to used by commercial and noncommercial
There are other similar toolkits like Qt, wxwidgets, ..., which could also be used for Wireshark.
There's no "one and only" reason for or against any of these toolkits. However, the decision towards
GTK was made a long time ago :-)
At the time this document is written there are two major GTK versions available:
10.2.1. GTK Version 1.x
GTK 1.x was the first major release. Today there are 1.2.x and 1.3.x versions "in the wild", with
only very limitted differences in the API.
Advantages (compared to GTK 2.x):
available on a lot of different platforms
very stable as it's matured for quite a while now
the look and feel is a bit old-fashioned
not recommended for future developments
GTK 1.x depends on the following libraries:
GDK (GDK is the abstraction layer that allows GTK+ to support multiple windowing systems.
GDK provides drawing and window system facilities on X11, Windows, and the Linux frame-
buffer device.)
GLib (A general-purpose utility library, not specific to graphical user interfaces. GLib provides
many useful data types, macros, type conversions, string utilities, file utilities, a main loop ab-
straction, and so on.)
GTK 1.x is working on GLib 1.x (typical for Unix like systems) or 2.x (typical for Win32 like sys-
XXX: include Wireshark GTK1 screenshot
10.2.2. GTK Version 2.x
Advantages (compared to GTK 1.x):
nice look and feel (compared to version 1.x)
recommended for future developments
User Interface