User guide

Wisdom Audio spikes are reversible for use on either hard or carpeted oors.
The sharp end of the spike is designed to penetrate the carpeting and couple
to the oor beneath, for excellent stability and improved sound. When on tile
or hardwood oors, however, use the blunt end of the spike instead to avoid
oor damage. In either case, you can adjust the height of the individual spikes
to compensate for slightly uneven oors. When this ne adjustment has been
made, tighten the large black nut snugly against the bottom of the base to pre-
vent them from further movement.
Note: If you fail to tighten the black nuts that secure the spikes, they may
rattle a bit when playing music or movies. This rattling can sound
like speaker distortion. Fortunately, a quick tightening of the lock
nuts on the spikes will eliminate the problem.
After you have determined the nal locations of the L75 speakers, enlist the
assistance of a friend to safely tip the speaker to provide better access to the
adjustable spikes to maximize stability (even with uneven oors). Tilting it even
as little as 15°-20° provides access to the threaded holes for the spikes without
straining your helper. Reverse the spikes if you are on a carpeted oor. Once the
rst two spikes are securely in place, switch sides and repeat the process on the
other side. Fine-tune things until the speaker is both solidly stable and plumb.