User Manual

Command> set telnet timeout 20
Telnet timeout value: 20 minutes
Show telnet
Description: This command displays telnet related settings.
Command> show telnet
Telnet service port: 23
Telnet timeout value: 20 minutes
Set http port <port number>
Description: This command allows the user to change the HTTP service port. This
information is displayed in the “show http” and “show system” commands.
Command> set http port 8080
Warning: Changing the port number will close existing sessions; do
you want to continue (y/n)? y
HTTP service port: 8080
Set http timeout <min>
Description: This command is used to set the http session time-out value (in minutes). The
default value is 10 minutes. The user has to login again before proceeding any further.
Command> set http timeout 20
HTTP session timeout: 20 minutes
Show http
Description: This command displays http related settings.
Command> show http
HTTP service port: 8080
HTTP session timeout: 20 minutes
Set prompt <"prompt">
Description: This command defines a new command prompt of up to 15 characters. The
default prompt is “Command”.