User's Manual

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Q: I recorded a program but the recording stopped just before the end so I missed the last bit of the
program. Why?
Your recording stopped before the program or event ended.
Possible Causes:
The program you were trying to record may have started or ended early.
If you were trying to record a sporting event, the event may have run over its allotted time.
You may have had a recording conflict with a higher priority program.
Someone may have manually ended the recording.
Try setting the end time of the recording in the Record Options so the recording ends one or two minutes later (or more, if
necessary). You may be able to record the same program again later in the week. Check the Program Guide for additional
For sporting events, you may want to extend the recording stop time 15 minutes or more to protect against overtime games.
If you had a priority conflict, try adjusting your start and end times. You may need to choose a different time slot to record a
program if the conflict continues.
Q: Why was a program I recorded displayed in the My Playlist screen, but deleted before I could watch it?
Your recording(s) were deleted before you had a chance to view them.
Possible Causes:
Someone else manually deleted the program.
The hard drive on your DVR is full. The program may not have recorded.
The Receiver may have deleted older recordings to make room for newer ones.