User Manual

decode WEP transmissions. The task is not trivial, but it is possible. If your data is extremely sensitive, you
should consider some form of secondary protection, such as strong passwords and an additional level of
encryption. Suitable software packages are available from reputable suppliers. Although not intended by the
original architects, WEP also prevents unauthorized access to your system by an outsider. Hackers have been
known to access systems from outside a building, and to then to access the Web for a leisurely session, all at
the system owner’s expense.
Wide Area Network (WAN): A wide area network (WAN) is a voice, data, or video network that provides
connections from one or more computers or networks within a business to one or more computers or networks
that are external to such business.
Wireless: A microwave transceiver system.
Wireless LAN (WLAN): Wireless LAN is a type of local-area network that uses high-frequency radio waves
rather than wires to communicate between nodes. WLAN is a flexible data communication system used as an
alternative to, or an extension of a wired LAN.
Wireless Node: A user computer with a wireless network interface card (adapter).
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