User Manual

Roaming: Movement of a wireless node between two microcells. Roaming usually
occurs in infrastructure networks built around multiple access points.
Service Set Identifier (SSID): Used to identify clients on a wireless network.
Shared key: An encryption key known only to the receiver and sender of data.
Site Survey: A process where you set up one transceiver in a fixed location, and then
use another unit to plot the field strength of the first unit’s transmitted signal. By moving
the transmitter around, and repeating the plots, you can develop a plan as to the best
locations for access points. You will also identify dead zones and other areas in need of
special attention. This can be a long, slow process, but it beats ripping up an
unsatisfactory installation and starting over. These tests require special software
commands. Refer to your manual for specific instructions. If you have a very large, or
unusually complex installation situation, you might want to consider calling in
professionals to do your survey. We are not permitted to suggest installer names, but you
can check your yellow pages or similar sources for likely candidates.
Static IP Address: A permanent IP address that is assigned to a node in a TCP/IP
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): A method (protocol) used with the IP (Internet
Protocol) to send data in the form of message units between network devices over a LAN
or WAN. The IP carries the delivery of the data (routing), and TCP keeps track of the
individual units of data (called packets) that a message is divided into for delivery over
the network.
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP): The basic communication
language or set of protocols for communications over a network (developed specifically
for the Internet). TCP/IP defines a suite or group of protocols and not only TCP and IP.
Transceiver: A commonly used term that describes a combination transmitter and
receiver. Both 802.11a and 802.11b devices would be properly described as data