Instruction Sheet

Editing an Existing Profile
To edit an existing profile:
1. Select the wireless adapter in the left-side pane.
2. From the General page, click the Networks tab.
3. Click the Edit button. The General page displays.
4. Click on the General, Security, Network and Password tabs to make the necessary
changes for the network profile settings:
5. Click OK on any of the pages to save all the settings and return to the Networks page.
6. Click the new profile name shown in the Profile List. Use the up and down arrows to
position the priority of new profile in the priority list.
7. Click the Advanced button to set the network connection preferences.
8. Click the Connect button to connect to the network.
9. Click OK to close the PROSet dialog.
Deleting a Profile
To delete a profile:
1. Select the wireless adapter in the left-side pane.
2. From the General page, click the Networks tab.
3. Click the profile to be deleted from the Profile List.
4. Click the Delete button.
5. Click Yes to permanently delete the profile.
Connecting to a Network Without a Profile
To connect to an available network without a profile:
1. Select the wireless adapter in the left-side pane.
2. From the General page, click the Networks tab.
3. Click the Scan button.
4. Select the network profile name with <no profile> shown, and click the Connect button.
5. Click the No, connect me directly without creating a profile option. Note, you can click
Yes, create a profile for this network now to create a profile to be used later.
6. Click OK to connect.
Profile Connection Preferences
To access the profile connection preference option:
1. From the General page, click the Networks tab.
2. Click the Advanced button.
3. Under the Auto-connection heading, click the one of the following options:
Connect to available networks using profiles only (Default setting): Use the profiles in the
Profile List to connect to any available network.
Connect to any available network if no matching profile is found: Connect to any available
network without using a profile from the Profile List.